Priyanka Chopra took to the comments section of the latest picture posted by hubby Nick Jonas from his concert in Sao Paulo and that comment proves she is his biggest cheerleader.
Priyanka Chopra’s comment on Nick Jonas’ latest PICS is every wife ever
Priyanka Chopra’s comment on Nick Jonas’ post
Priyanka Chopra talks about attending Nick Jonas’ concert
We have always seen Nick Jonas standing in support of his wife, Priyanka Chopra, on several occasions and being praised for it. Well, as much as we are not denying the fact that the international singer is a total green flag, we cannot take away the fact that his wife and global icon, too, never miss a chance to become his biggest cheerleader.
Well, Priyanka’s comment on Nick’s latest picture is proof. Take a look at what exactly happened.
Priyanka Chopra’s comment on Nick Jonas’ post
Nick Jonas took to his Instagram handle to share a couple of pictures of him from the Jonas Brothers concert in Sao Paulo. In the pictures, the singer looks dapper in his casual look and the pictures scream fun and we bet it was a fabulous concert.
We are sure that there must be a lot of crowds to cheer for Nick and his brothers, but no one can beat his biggest cheerleader, his wife, Priyanka Chopra. The moment Nick shared these pictures on his Instagram handle, the actress took to the comments section and shared a fire emoji.